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Believers and Hustlers
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Believers and Hustlers

$ 23.00 USD

Pastor Nicholas Adejuwon and his wife Nkechi run Rivers of Joy Church, a popular Lagos megachurch. Despite projecting a perfect image, scandalous secrets lurk beneath the surface. When Nkechi investigates her husband's rumored indiscretions, she uncovers a web of shocking secrets that threaten her reality. "Believers and Hustlers" exposes the underbelly of Nigeria’s Pentecostal fervor, revealing the motivations, rivalries, and fears of rich celebrity preachers. This bold novel explores power, hypocrisy, and how religion can be weaponized, ultimately telling a story of life, love, and the ironies of fate.

Sylva Nze
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$ 23.00 USD
Client Profile
Five Star Review
~Onyeka Nwelue, author of The Strangers of Braamfontein

Ifedigbo can stand on the same podium as masters like Gurcharan Das. What makes his writing plain and unique at the same time, is the elegance of his prose. He writes with such clarity, that one does not need to be told that he is one of the best storytellers of his generation.

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Five Star Review
~Tade Ipadeola, author of The Sahara Testaments R

Believers and Hustlers is the contemporary Nigerian novel, doing on the page what Wole Soyinka’s Jero plays did on the stage. Mr. Ifedigbo’s writerly instincts probe, with uncanny accuracy, the religion-media matrix and the result is a milestone of a book, a book with a passport into most of Africa.

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Five Star Review
The complex plot complements the vividly rendered setting. Fans of crime novels centered on wrongdoing in powerful religious institutions, such as Mette Ivie Harrison’s books, will be riveted

~Publisher’s Weekly (starred review)

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Five Star Review
~Andrew Diamond, writer at Mystery & Suspense Magazine

Author Ifedigbo isn’t simply out to provide entertainment. In his bio, he says “the calling of a writer is to study humans explicitly and document this in simple, memorable stories.” He’s done that well. Believers and Hustlers is a study of the desperation caused by political, social, and economic corruption.

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Five Star Review
~Ekila Bontole - Bookseller

Quite a compelling thriller that got me gripping my tablet.

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Five Star Review
~Jill Tatter

The name Believers and Hustlers, by Sylva Nze Ifedigbo, is absolutely the perfect description for this book! While this book was written about Nigeria, it's also a perfect commentary on the celebrity pastors and the megachurches around the U.S. and the world.

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Five Star Review
~Cynthia Rodrigues

This was my first novel by a Nigerian author and I enjoyed it. The author adopts a teasing yet indulgent tone towards his characters, and towards the culture as a whole, their foibles and eccentricities, describing the easy manner in which people pick up foreign accents…I highly recommend this one.

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Five Star Review
~Ancillar Grace

“The book is well balanced on humor, mystery and culture. The author did a wonderful job of pacing the book and character development.”

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About Author

Bestselling author of mystery novels, weaving suspense and intrigue. Captivating readers with every page turn.

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Meet the  author

Sylva Nze

A 'Storytelling Master' who weaves love and mystery into gripping narratives that leave readers spellbound. Get ready for a journey of the worlds in every page

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